"I connect with ​​clients​​ in minutes in
a way​​ it would take a therapist months"

​​​"I connect with ​​clients​​ in minutes in
a way​​ it would take a therapist months"

I am an expert in eliminating stress
and anxiety, and I provide coaching services to teens, adults, couples,
and families to achieve this goal.​​

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​​Free Ebook #2​​
Conquering The Chaos Within:
A Step-by-Step Plan to
Beat Stress and Anxiety

This session is designed to bring about
significant and lasting improvements
through established strategies.

Numerous people have shared their
experience of this one coaching session,
claiming it to be the most effective
approach they have ever tried.

My entire life I suffered from severe depression, high anxiety, and low self-esteem. I believed life wasn’t an enjoyable experience and I lacked hope that life would ever be anything different. I had always been miserable and even suicidal at times. Greg’s coaching program, and his patience and empathy, have transformed my life and changed everything in it for the better. The truth and tools acquired from the program will forever help me. I have no doubt that the rest of my life will be what I decide it to be. Greg is a very compassionate and personal coach. He will work his hardest for each client. He will do all he can to help guide you to clarity. I believe anyone would benefit from Greg as their coach. Greg’s coaching is life changing and priceless.   ~KJ~

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Hi, my name is Alexandra; I'm 17; and I've been bullied my entire life. I've been bullied by friends, family, church members, and just random people. It was very hard for me. It made me doubt myself a lot. And then, very soon, it made me go into a lot of depression and anxiety. It was so much that, at the age of 16, I wanted to die. It wasn't until I got into the coaching program with Greg that I really realized that my life was going to change. Because if it wasn't for the coaching, I would have killed myself for sure. It was because of the coaching that I learned to love myself. I learned to love others, and I learned to forgive. and that is something for which I will always be grateful. Because without that, I wouldn't be happy. I wouldn't be the person that I feel like today. I wouldn't be the person who wants to live. Because now I want to live. I want to experience new things. I want to live my life the way I've always imagined it. And now I have that chance.   ~AR~
My wife has struggled all throughout our marriage with mental health challenges and it felt like she wouldn’t be able to change. She didn’t see that she had any worth, and she suffered from depression and anxiety. This affected our marriage a great deal. Once she started the program, I began to see positive changes. Now that she’s been out of it for several months, I see that her confidence has gone up, she’s happier, she handles stress better, she’s more patient with the kids and loving, and she is more optimistic and positive in life overall. I know that this program can give great results and help those who are struggling in these areas   ~JJ~
My experience with Greg’s coaching was spiritual and life changing. I needed someone I could trust to help me figure things out and was more than ready for this emotional and exhilarating experience. It changed how I see myself and others. I enjoy life more. I’m happier and more confident. Relationships are better. Professional pursuits are more fun. I’m less stressed, living each day to the fullest, without fear, knowing anything is possible. I broke frustrating patterns of perfectionist behavior, no more comparing or worrying about measuring up. I started new and let go of the past. It has been a breath of fresh air. I am very happy.   ~RH~

Client Testimonials​​​​

Free Ebook #1​​
A Parents Guide To
Reconnecting With A Teenager